21 March 2010
How much do you really know about paper?
24/03/10 12:43 Filed in: FYI
I learned a lot today about paper. As a member of Green America (http://www.greenamericatoday.org/) I receive numerous emails through the CABN discussion group. Surprisingly, some of the information is totally new to me and I’m a member of the group.
Today several members sent emails through the discussion group regarding paper - what is better recycled or FSC or PWC?
What is FSC? Do you know? How about PWC? Which do you think is better? Do you know the difference between recycled, FSC and PWC? Can paper be indefinitely recycled?
Here’s what I learned today.
Thank you Richard Noss (www.greenvision4biz.com) and Frankie Carranza (www.indieprinting.com)
responsible forestry practices, ensuring no endangered species,
indigenous tribes, and endangered forest are being harmed as well as
ensuring fair labor practices during the process.
“PCW (post consumer waste) is always a good choice, but paper cannot be recycled indefinitely, 4 to 7 times depending on a lot of factors. So there will always be a need for virgin fiber.
Therefore, the most responsible virgin fiber comes from forests managed for biodiversity, soil protection, etc. etc. The FSC has the strictest third party regulated “chain of custody” system that insures the fiber comes from sustainable forestry practices. I almost entirely use FSC certified stock in my products.
In my opinion, an FSC certified stock that is 30% PCW, is more environmentally sound than a 60%PCW non FSC certified stock because you have no idea the source of the remaining 40% (probably critical caribou habitat in Western Canada).
A classic example is Costco’s tabloid that they widely circulate. About a year ago they were making some big claims that they were “going green”. When they were called on the table about their tabloid, they proudly stated that it contained 10% PCW. What they forgot to mention was that it was reportedly being printed in Korea, shipped across the Pacific, and who knows where the remaining 90% of the fiber came from.”
So I ask you - did you know all this? I didn’t.
Today several members sent emails through the discussion group regarding paper - what is better recycled or FSC or PWC?
What is FSC? Do you know? How about PWC? Which do you think is better? Do you know the difference between recycled, FSC and PWC? Can paper be indefinitely recycled?
Here’s what I learned today.
Thank you Richard Noss (www.greenvision4biz.com) and Frankie Carranza (www.indieprinting.com)
FSC - The FSC (forestry Stewardship Council) certification is good when using a paper with Virgin Fiber in it. Most papers available on a retail level have a lot of virgin fiber in them, so its important that the paper is FSC
responsible forestry practices, ensuring no endangered species,
indigenous tribes, and endangered forest are being harmed as well as
ensuring fair labor practices during the process.
PWC - PCW (Post-Consumer Waste) comes from the paper that you, I, and the general public recycle. The PCW is de-inked, and re-pulped to make new stock. The more PCW the better. If your paper is 10% PCW, then that means its 90% virgin fiber. Be sure that 90% is FSC certified
RECYCLED - Lastly there is Recycled content. Recycled content comes directly from the mill. Sometimes during paper manufacturing there are bad sheets, or left over scraps, that left over is recycled into making new sheets. Recycled content never left the mill.
“PCW (post consumer waste) is always a good choice, but paper cannot be recycled indefinitely, 4 to 7 times depending on a lot of factors. So there will always be a need for virgin fiber.
Therefore, the most responsible virgin fiber comes from forests managed for biodiversity, soil protection, etc. etc. The FSC has the strictest third party regulated “chain of custody” system that insures the fiber comes from sustainable forestry practices. I almost entirely use FSC certified stock in my products.
In my opinion, an FSC certified stock that is 30% PCW, is more environmentally sound than a 60%PCW non FSC certified stock because you have no idea the source of the remaining 40% (probably critical caribou habitat in Western Canada).
A classic example is Costco’s tabloid that they widely circulate. About a year ago they were making some big claims that they were “going green”. When they were called on the table about their tabloid, they proudly stated that it contained 10% PCW. What they forgot to mention was that it was reportedly being printed in Korea, shipped across the Pacific, and who knows where the remaining 90% of the fiber came from.”
So I ask you - did you know all this? I didn’t.